Lightening Field

Sunset at the Lightening Field

September 20, 2021 Left at the Lightning Field in the afternoon, we knew someone would pick us up at 11 a.m. the next day. We’d just been driven on dirt roads for nearly an hour from the town of Quemado –  rural western New Mexico. The Lightening Field is a land art piece conceived by…

Pilgrimage to the Jetty

Visit to the Spiral Jetty, Robert Smithson's sculpture in the Great Salt Lake

Smog and Spirals in Utah Winter February 20, 2008 WEST of CORRINE, UTAH – Thirty miles west of I-15, the Interstate that runs the length of the smog-filled valley blunted to the east by the Wasatch Range and polluted by Salt Lake City industry, cars and more cars running from Wyoming to Provo, we found…