Bodacioussss with Frank Stella

Bodaciousss - MCA Denver 2016-7

Denver- Museum of Contemporary Art – Oct. to Jan 2017 Instead of using his easel to prop up a window on the world, Kandinsky used it to support a windshield moving through the universe. –from Working Space by Frank Stella. I went to the MCA to take a second look at a show of 20…

Guido’s Buried Light

Guido Ignatti at Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, 2016, No Matter Paintings

Set Up – Installations by Guido Ignatti – MCA Denver – July 1 to Sept. 11, 2016 What am I missing? I can’t read the poetry on the wall – can’t know if it would move me.  I can’t even google it because no words are clear enough to search on. And knowing that is…

Women of Abstract Expressionism

June 12th through September 25, 2016 – Denver – If you watch our Intro to Women of Abstract Expressionism, you can feel the power and beauty of Abstract Expressionism. Add to this the knowledge that Abstract Expressionism was the first American movement to received international acknowledgement.  Take it from me personally,  when I saw a…